Remedial Massage is a very popular treatment due to its wonderful therapeutic benefits, focusing on the body’s musculature and soft tissue to relieve tension and pain. It is a diverse therapy consisting of a number of different massage techniques such as Myofascial Release Therapy, which works on damaged or sore muscles, soft tissue, or joints.
Before discussing the benefits of Myofascial Release Therapy, let’s look at what the Fascia System is.
Fascia is a strong thin elastic-type web of connective tissue (similar to a ligament or tendon), which surrounds every muscle, bone, nerve, blood vessel, and organ to the cellular level in our body. This supportive tissue is literally the biological fabric that holds our body together!
In its normal healthy state fascia is a relaxed and flexible web, however, when restricted, it becomes more rigid and less pliable; creating tightness, limited movement, and pain.
Causes of fascia and soft tissue discomfort include:
Trauma (e.g. accident or fall), posture misalignment, carpel tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia or migraine headaches and other inflammatory conditions.
What are the symptoms?
1. Aching pain that persists or worsens (i.e. in the back, shoulder, hip, or literally in any area containing soft tissue)
2. Muscle pain and tension
3. Stiffness and poor mobility
4. Difficulty sleeping due to pain
How can Myofascial Therapy help?
Myofascial Therapy (also known as myofascial trigger point therapy) focuses on releasing muscular shortness and tightness, which cause discomfort and a decreased range of movement in our bodies.
Gentle continued pressure is applied to relax and lengthen the tightened fascia. It usually takes several minutes for each specific area to be worked on to soften and enable tissue re-alignment.
There are two types of Myofascial Therapy
1. Direct release – this method uses pressure or weight, with practitioners using tools, knuckles or elbows to slowly stretch the fascia to encourage elongation and mobility.
2. Indirect release – a gentler technique whereby the practitioner applies less pressure, encouraging the fascia to slowly relax until better movement is achieved.
It is important to note that diagnosing myofascial tightness can be difficult as fascia restrictions don’t show up in x-rays or MRI’s, yet if untreated can cause significant pain and malfunction in the structure of the spine, extremities, and organs.
Our remedial massage therapists are highly skilled and passionate about what they do. Here at Empowering Wellness Clinic Burleigh, we embrace the benefits of working as a team with our Chiropractors and holistic health practitioners to produce the best outcomes possible for our clients. Contact us today to discuss your needs and organise the best day for your appointment, ph. (07) 5535 9833, or click here to book online.
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